Visualisation is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals; the daily practice of visualising your dreams as already complete. Think about it; everything begins with a thought.
Every action, every word and every human creation that exists today first started in our imagination as a simple thought.
Some of the worlds most successful people, the super-rich, elite athletes and high-achievers all use visualisation techniques to achieve their goals.
Having the ability to visualise how to achieve your goals will feel and look like provides you with a better chance of ultimately turning it into reality.
If you harness the power of your imagination using visualisation techniques, you can access the “super-power” high-achievers use when creating the life they dream; accomplishing one goal or task at a time with hyper focus and complete confidence.
We all have access to this “super-power”, but most of us have never been taught how to use it effectively.
Here is a step by step guide on creating your own effective imagery to achieving your goals:
Step 1 Define the purpose of your visualisation practice
Before you start visualising how to achieve your goals, you first need to define what you want to achieve, what your goals are, and why you are visualising. Do you have a presentation coming up and you have to speak in front of a few hundred people? Training to run a marathon? Have an exam in a few weeks?
Write down each step needed to reach it. Be realistic and descriptive.
For example; your goal is to perform a speech in front of a large crowd write down the steps you would have to take from start to finish. Start with you researching for the speech, writing the actual speech, driving to the venue, walking on to the stage etc.
Having a written plan acts as a guide in case you get distracted during your visualisation. You can open your eyes and refocus on your goal.
Step 2 Create your ideal environment

To get the most out of your visualisation, you need to be in a relaxed and positive state of mind. We all have our own methods of relaxing so this part is totally on you. You might want to meditate first, so your mind is calm and clear.
You can create a space in your room to sit comfortably with a few candles and some calming music. You can make it apart of your self-care ritual or apart of your daily routine, whether it be your morning or night routine.
At the beginning of your journey, it might take you 20 minutes to get in the right state of mind, but with practice, it will get shorter and shorter.
Step 3 Visualise your goals
Once your mind feels calm and receptive, close your eyes and start crafting an image of your goal. Take as long as you need to envision the details.
Try to make it as realistic as possible, envision not just the sights but also the sounds, scents, emotions and tastes associated with your goal. This is an important step to achieve your goal.
Visualise yourself walking onto the stage, feel how confident you’re in your ability to present your speech to the crowd. Feel the excitement of being in front of the group, see them listening to every word, hear them, engross yourself vividly as if it was happening for real.
If you are worried about feeling embarrassed or anxious because you might fall or stumble in front of everyone, visualise yourself stumbling, hear people’s chuckles or gasps as you stumble then the “phew’s” as you recover. It will take away the fear factor because you’ve already done it, and it wasn’t even that scary!
Your mind can’t effectively tell the difference between you visualising an action, and you physically performing an action so harness this technique and use it to your advantage.
Spend as much time as you need to gain to full benefits of your visualisation. 30, 20 or 10 minutes a day can result in you feeling the benefits of visualisation.
Tip: Focus on observable and inner changes
Focus on the observable changes (performing your speech) and the inner changes (being confident, feeling empowered as you give your speech).
Tip: Focus on removing obstacles
As you visualise your goal, you might become aware of obstacles that stop you from achieving your goals. Such as fear of losing a former coping tool, worries about what others think about you, or the idea of yourself as unable to achieve your goal. Eliminate these obstacles by replacing them with empowering beliefs.
Step 4 Open your eyes and affirm your goals

Your goals are more likely to manifest in your life if you allow your visualisation experiences to influence the rest of your day, so open your eyes and carry the emotions of confidence and determination into your day by affirming your goals.
When I say affirm your goals, I mean creating an environment built for you to succeed. You can do this by changing your habits and language to be success-orientated. You could use goal-specific affirmations.
Another great way you can start is by replacing future-focused language “I will be happy” to present moment language “I am happy, and enjoy exercise and nutritious foods.” Changing your language to be success-orientated can significantly impact your mindset in a positive way and on the actions you choose to take, so instead of “I will” use “I am” and knock those goals out of the park!
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