Habits Productivity

12 Daily Habits That Will Make You More Productive

White desk with a white and black diary, brown hat and a girl writing in the diary

Do you imagine no longer overthinking things and persuading yourself not to do them? Well, your habits, good and bad, create your daily routines. These daily routines structure your day, so you have a productive day, and not a poorly-planned day. It eliminates the need for you to waste time deciding what to do next.

You no longer overthink things or need to persuade yourself to do them. You do them out of habit.

Eat a colourful breakfast

Big table with mutiple dishes of breakfast foods

It is very important to eat a colourful breakfast to fuel your body and mind. If you want to start your day with sharp mental awareness and full of energy, then a protein pack breakfast with good fats and a variety of slow-releasing carbs are what you need.

Try oats with berries and nuts, yogurt with homemade granola, or avocado on rye toast with egg white scramble, spinach and vegetables.

Make your bed in the morning

Making your bed in the morning is a great habit because it is a quick chore that can make you feel more productive and organised.

Tidy your workspace

White wall with a brown desk, computer monitor, green indoor plant and a big black calendar on the wall

Tidy your workspace before and after using it. This habit goes for all workspaces, whether it a desk, a room, or any other. Just like writing a to-do list and prioritising tasks, tidying your workspace allows you to know what needs completing and gives you a sense of organisation.

So, the next time you use your workspace, you are not instantly overwhelmed with clutter and a feeling of being behind.

Tidying your workspace also includes cleaning your workspace. Cleaning before and after eliminates the possible distraction of you needing to clean that coffee stain on your desk right in the middle of a major task. Procrastination anyone?

Tackle the most pressing task first

Tackle the most urgent or difficult task first; usually, the task you are most likely to procrastinate. You will feel a sense of accomplishment knowing you finished this important task, even if you accomplish nothing else that day.

Clean the kitchen during and after dinner

Clean and tidy the kitchen as you are cooking to minimise the cleaning process after you have had your meal. Once you finish your dinner, finish cleaning the kitchen, so you are not tempted to leave the mess for the next morning.

Not only does this encourage ants into your home (which are a headache to get rid of!), but you also force yourself to start the day cleaning. Not a great start for a productive day! Your morning routine is supposed to set you up and damper your mood.

Do a quick declutter after dinner

I know how tempting it is to fall on the couch after dinner, but after dinner is a great time to walk through your house and do a quick declutter.

Are your keys in their rightful home? Is the kitchen table clear of mess? Is the lounge room clear of clutter? Are your possessions in their proper place?

A quick declutter after dinner will give you a sense of control over your belongings and the level of mess in your home.

Plan your day the night before

By planning your day the night before you will have a solid action plan to execute and get things done. It will save you time in the morning and during the day on deciding what tasks you need to do or what projects you need to focus your energy.

A very effective method to use to be more productive is calendar blocking. I use this method and find it very helpful. You have a clear view of what tasks need to be done and when.

Include your morning routine, breaks, appointments, and any phone calls you need to make. If you know you work your best at 10am, then schedule that time to get the most important tasks done.

Plan your outfit the night before

Blue jeans, brown suad boots, white coffee empty cup, granola in a light blush coloured box, white seater on a white doona cover

Decide the night before what you will wear the next day. You can wake up, perform your morning routine, knowing you do not have to make any extra decisions and save your energy for the essential things.

Layout your workout gear and plan your workout

If you workout in the morning then having your workout gear laid out will minimise the stress of forgetting anything, the need to decide what to wear, and you will know what your workout is as you planned it the night before.

Brain dump

If you are someone who tends to lie awake, thinking about all the tasks and things you need to do the next day, then a brain dump might be the answer.

On a piece of paper or an app on your phone, jot down every little thing that pops up in your mind. Get it all out so you can have a peaceful sleep knowing that when you wake up, you can refer to that list.

Prioritise your tasks

When starting a project or the day, make a list of the tasks that are required. Once you have all your tasks and projects laid out, decide which are important, urgent, both and non-urgent tasks.

Work on the urgent and important tasks first, then move on to the non-urgent tasks.

Check your emails every few hours

It can become very overwhelming when you receive an email after email notification during the day. We get this need to check every ding; this need becomes a constant distraction. Taking away your focus on the tasks at hand.

To combat this need to check every ding, silence your notifications and only check every few hours. That way, you can give 100% of your focus on the tasks at hand.

Frequently checking impairs your concentration and productivity.

When you remain focused on specific tasks, you no longer feel overwhelmed and overworked. You feel totally in control because you planned out your day, your outfits, your tasks, started the day fuelling your body and mind. You saved tons of energy from making unnecessary decisions.

The Wellness Blogger x

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